How To Draw A Ribbon: A Step By Step Guide

How to Draw Awareness Ribbons for Causes such as Breast Cancer and
How to Draw Awareness Ribbons for Causes such as Breast Cancer and from

Ribbons are a great way to add a nice, decorative touch to your drawings. Whether you want to draw a decorative ribbon for a present or as a decorative element in a drawing, it's not as difficult as it may seem. In this guide, you will learn how to draw a ribbon in easy steps.

Step 1: Sketch the Ribbon Shape

The first step in drawing a ribbon is to sketch out the shape. You can do this by using a pencil to draw two curved lines that meet in the middle. It's important to make sure that the curves of the ribbon are even and symmetrical. You can also draw some light lines to indicate the ribbon's folds.

Step 2: Add Color and Shading

Once you have the shape of your ribbon sketched out, it's time to add some color and shading. You can use a variety of tools to do this, such as colored pencils, markers, or paint. When adding color to your ribbon, make sure to use light, even strokes and blend the colors together for a smooth effect. You can also add in some shading to give the ribbon a more realistic look.

Step 3: Add Details and Text

Once you have the shape and color of your ribbon in place, it's time to add in some details. You can add any kind of text or designs to the ribbon, such as words, phrases, or images. You can also add some extra details to the ribbon, such as bows or knots. Use a thin pen or marker to draw these details in.

Step 4: Erase Any Pencil Lines

Once you have added all the details and text to your ribbon, it's time to erase any pencil lines. Use an eraser to carefully erase any pencil lines that are still visible. This will give your ribbon a more finished look.

Step 5: Add Finishing Touches

The last step in drawing a ribbon is to add some finishing touches. You can add some highlights and shadows to the ribbon using a lighter or darker shade of the same color. You can also add some sparkles or glitter to make your ribbon look more festive. Once you have added all of these touches, your ribbon is ready to be used in your drawing.


Drawing a ribbon doesn't have to be difficult. With the right techniques and tools, you can easily create a beautiful ribbon that will add flair and personality to your drawings. With a few simple steps, you can learn how to draw a ribbon and make your drawings stand out.
